I know this is going to sound like the ramblings of a crazy person and I understand how you all could interpret it that way. It is not good poetry as such, but honest.
I did have this dream this very last night. It is full of symbology and difficult to extract the meaning. It is pretty clear to me, however. I had to put it down before it was forgotten as dreams often fade fast if not put down on paper soon.
I am not looking for affirmation from anyone, just simply had the need to express what I saw in the dream for my own indulgence and later analysis.
I Had a Dream
I had a dream last night.
A dream of the past and the future.
The view of the past was on a small screen,
a laptop if you will.
The future was a large screen,
both loud and still, but very clear.
The picture was not stable.
kept changing channels as I watched.
The room was bright and sunny
and young children unaware.
The mother and the father
were wanting to watch the larger picture.
I handed them a laptop as they clumsily
found a way to bring it into focus.
Back upstairs I went
To feed the animals.
Looking back I saw contentment.
The mother and the father seeing the movie on the smaller screen.
They were resting in bed as they watched.
The house had many rooms
and a young male guest asked me,
"How do you like your new house?"
He lived in a larger one with a swimming pool
and neatly trimmed landscape.
I told him my house was perfect for me.
The lawn was patchy with tufts of green grass.
As I lay on the ground I told him,
"It reminds me of my childhood" Free and easy.
Cami 05/07/2011